Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Above and beyond the call of duty Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Above and beyond the call of duty - Article Example Shes actually been on active duty for only 16 years and counting. Prior to donning Army fatigues she was married to Donald Ross. It was a union that produced a son, Donald Jr. now aged 12. She also has a 3 year old daughter, Sondra Lee Peebles. Certain difficulties in her marriage brought their union to an abrupt end and Mary-Margaret was left with custody of her two children. It was during these financially times that she decided to volunteer for active Army service. She has led a physically active lifestyle as far back as she can remember so it came as no surprise to her and those who know there when she breezed through the physical tests and rigid military training program. This woman is so fit that she scores a whopping 299 out of 30 on her Physical Fitness tests -- on a bad day. She expects nothing less of herself, after all, she spends a regular amount of time at the gym where she concentrates on stamina, speed, and accuracy training. Major Ross has been in active military service for the past 16 years and shows no signs of slowing down. Neither does she entertain thoughts of retiring early from military service. She enjoys having the opportunity to be able to give back to the country which has treated her so well and fairly throughout her life, and she intends to keep paying it forward for as long as she can. Most of her active duty has been spent overseas with her spending two years in active Army service in Korea and another two years in England. Amazingly enough, Mary-Margaret Ross still finds time in her already jam-packed schedule to attend Doctoral Studies in the field of Education. Although she does not currently entertain any ideas of leaving the military, she recognizes the fact that her time to leave the service will eventually come. Having completed her Education studies, she chose to enroll in the doctorate program so that she could teach children on a higher level in the future. As a currently

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