Sunday, May 10, 2020

Natural Resources And Environmental Regulations - 1323 Words

I. Economic Factors III.I Natural Resources and Environmental Regulations Based on the Economic Structure and Context report on Spain, it identifies Spain as being well known amongst Europe for having a mining industry that produces natural resources such as stone and marble. Spain’s agricultural sector was once worthy of noting but over time it has diminished to little of importance, however, Spain is still notably recognized for being a leading producer of olive oil and wine (Economic Structure and Context, pg 25). Spain is currently using environmental regulations approved by the European Union and requiring national implementation as well as implementation amongst its jurisdictions (Spain Country Profile). Based on information provided†¦show more content†¦III.III Services Spain’s service industry is largely dominated by tourism and banking (Economic Structure and Context). Other popular industries in Spain also include retailing and telecommunications (Spain Country Profile). According the Country Analysis Report of Spain, the services sector in Spain is â€Å"the fastest growing sector, followed by manufacturing and agriculture.† (Spain Country Profile). Tourism in Spain remains popular, as it is currently considered one of the largest services, as of 2012 the tourism was responsible for 11% of the GDP (Economic Structure and Context). According to the 2012 report on Spain by Country Monitor, it was reported that in 2008 approximately 57 million tourists visited Spain. As the number of tourists visiting Spain continues to grow, the national government has implemented an initiative to remain environmentally friendly. One of the highlighted goals of the Tourism Plan 2020 is to increase the traffic of tourism in areas outside of the popul ar tourism attractions (Spain has 2020 Vision). II. Exports and Imports As the vehicle manufacturing industry is one of the largest industries in Spain it is to no surprise that motor vehicles are one of Spain’s largest exports. According to the Spain Country Profile created by MarketLine, â€Å"The Spanish economy depends heavily on the automobile industry for exports to Asian economies† (Spain Country Profile). Other exports includeShow MoreRelatedEssay On If I Win The Election1010 Words   |  5 Pagesserve the committee of Energy resources (House), Senate committee on Natural Resources and Economic Development (Senate), and Environmental Regulation Committee (House). The Energy Resources committee looks after the production and regulation of energy resources like oil, gas etc. It is a substantive committee. 1 The current chairman of this committee is Rep. Drew Darby. Composed of 13 members in total, the main purpose of this committee is to conserve the energy resources available in Texas. 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